

Colorless products remain uncolored

Conservation of biomolecular activity

Outstanding potential for innovation


Reduced energy consumption

Short processing times

Low production costs

Low CO2 emissions


Case study

Spirulina platensis, probably the best-known of the microalgae, is a rich source of vitamins B1, B12, E, beta-carotenes and proteins and the only known source of one of the proteins, phycocyanin, a powerful dark blue antioxidant with strong anti-free radical activity.

The superiority of osmotic evaporation over traditional methodis clearly illustrated by this comparison using vacuum evaporation in a rotary evaporator. Molecular activity from the original product was substantially protected, since no heat was applied during the process. Providing active ingredients responding to the current trend for healthy, natural products is now much easier, using evapeos® technology.         


New, premium products are within the reach of all users of the technology. A single evapeos system can be used to process a wide variety of active ingredients.

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